Apart of Me is the world's first safe virtual space to help young people find a way through grief. The Cave is a magical part of that world, where you can listen to real stories from bereaved young people from around the world. Over the next 12 weeks, we will be recording stories from young people and adults who were bereaved when they were younger.
We believe that by hearing other people's stories children and young people can realise they are not alone. They need to know that there are others out there like them who are going through similar difficult times and who are also learning to live with their loss.
If you feel able to share your story please let us know using the form below.
We will be in touch so we can record your story for use within our app:
You donation will help us provide Apart of Me to as many people as possible. Make a contribution, securely at apartofme.app.
Apart of Me is a registered UK charity no. 1194613
We're always grateful to have volunteers who can help us with our mission. If you have skills in fundraising, marketing, UX or games development or if you think you can help us in anyway please visit our volunteering page.
You can help a lot by promoting our campaign by sharing it with your friends on social media or any other way you see fit! See apartofme.app for details.